One Mind is accelerating brain health for all.

Portrait of a young man smilingPortrait of a young woman with glasses smiling

The One Mind Mission

One Mind catalyzes visionary change through science, business and media to transform the world’s mental health.
OM homepage Science icon


Accelerate breakthroughs in the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of mental illness through research.
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Scale implementation of mental health solutions through entrepreneurship and corporate workplace culture.
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Change attitudes and behaviors in young adults regarding mental health and normalize health-seeking through content.
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One Mind Global Impact

Inspired by the founders’ lived experience, One Mind is the leading brain health nonprofit committed to healing the lives of people impacted by brain illness and injury through global, collaborative action.

$546 M

Raised and leveraged to support life-saving brain health research

26 M

People receiving improved mental health support via the One Mind at Work Charter


People enrolled in and benefitting from One Mind funded studies
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Brandon Staglin, One Mind

I am living proof that with loving family support, continued involvement in one’s community, and science-based early medical care, one can recover from even the most scary, depressing, debilitating of psychiatric illnesses.

Brandon Staglin

Co-Founder & Chief Advocacy and Engagement Officer, One Mind