Brain Waves Video Interviews

Protecting the Mental Health of COVID-19 Healthcare Workers

Learn from Sam McLean, MD, and Chris Jones, MD, about their bold initiative to protect the mental well-being of fellow frontline healthcare workers as they respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Hosted by One Mind President Brandon Staglin. The Q&A period is now closed. Big thanks to Drs. McLean and Jones, and to all who participated!

Questions Drs. McLean and Jones responded to during the live interview included:

  • How are you applying your discoveries toward helping frontline healthcare workers during the pandemic?
  • What is the HerosHealth program?
  • What are conditions like for frontline healthcare workers now?
  • How are your colleagues dealing with equipment shortages?
  • How are your colleagues coping with stress during this crisis?
  • Are pandemic conditions for healthcare workers worse in the US than in other countries?
  • How can we support the mental health of healthcare workers now?
  • Tell us about your other initiative to help ER departments collaborate.
  • How have public/private partnerships helped your research?
  • What lies ahead for healthcare workers on the front lines of the COVID-19 battle?
  • What words of hope can you offer?