Breakthroughs for Brain Science and Beyond: One Mind 2016 Annual Report

2016 has been a breakthrough year for brain health science. Our thanks go to the many generous individuals, foundations and corporations who contributed over $3.5 million in 2016. These contributions enabled One Mind to provide grants to three Rising Star Awardees in translational and clinical research, while past grantees developed surprising and useful discoveries and technologies.
And, One Mind’s influence for good grew beyond research. Two past Rising Star grantees made special impact in U.S. brain health policy. One Mind “ran the hope meter off the gauge” for families facing brain health challenges through its communications and events, culminating in the 22nd Music Festival for Brain Health Scientific Symposium. Perhaps best of all, 2016 saw the growth of two One Mind programs providing innovative brain health services to consumers right now: PsyberGuide and Partners for StrongMinds.