Dr. Arpiar Saunders on Mapping Brain Connectivity with the SBARRO Method

2023 One Mind Rising Star Awardee Arpiar Saunders joins UCLA Professor & Scientist and One Mind Scientific Advisory Board Member Carrie Bearden to share how he crafted “SBARRO” (Synaptic Barcode Analysis by Retrograde Rabies ReadOut) to map brain connectivity.

On this episode of One Scientist’s Mind, created with support provided by Bank of America, One Mind SAB Member Dr. Carrie Bearden speaks with 2023 One Mind Rising Star Awardee Dr. Arpiar Saunders, PhD about how he developed the SBARRO technique to identify specific neurons and build maps of brain connectivity. Arpiar explains how there is a need to develop new methods for studying genetic variation, which led him to developing the SBARRO method, which utilizes a combination of two techniques: molecular barcoding and single-cell genomics. Watch the full interview to learn more about Dr. Saunders’ One Mind-funded research.