Membership Benefits

icon for Strategic Collaboration


days of work every 3 months are lost by employees who are depressed

icon for mental health is brain health


Percentage of reduced productivity every 3 months caused by depression.

icon for Invest


lost in productivity, health care costs and turnovers by employers every year

icon for Innovation with impact


Percentage of full-time U.S. workers that have left a previous job due, at least in part, to mental health reasons

icon for founder development


Percentage of of missed work days are attributed to burnout, depression or anxiety

The Business Case for Investing in Workforce Health

What does the data tell us about supporting mental health within the workplace?

Business leaders recognize the need, but don’t know how to comprehensively address the problem. An overwhelming majority of employers acknowledge that workplace mental health must be a priority for the well-being of their workers and for the health of their business. 86% of employers now list mental health as a top concern, according to a 2022 survey by Willis Towers Watson. And yet, only 1 in 4 organizations have actually developed a mental health strategy, based on responses to One Mind at Work’s Mental Health at Work Index.

Mental illness is the single greatest cause of worker disability worldwide. Employers have a responsibility and opportunity to identify work-related causes of mental health stress and reduce them (and their costs) through intentional organizational and cultural change. Leaders at all levels of an organization, from the C-suite to middle managers, can take meaningful actions without substantial cost or effort to create more supportive environments for everyone. Understanding the root causes of some common mental health challenges and disorders makes it easier to design benefits programs and resources that address real unmet needs and provide meaningful support to the workforce.

Today’s employees are demanding change. 76% of workers believe their company should do more to support their mental health. And increasingly, people are making employment decisions based on whether organizations support the health and wellbeing of their workforce. Employers that commit to these efforts will see the benefits both in the productivity and drive of their employees and in their company performance.

Opportunity for Impact

As an employer, you are responsible for identifying work-related causes of mental health stress and reducing them through institutional and cultural change.

Leaders across the business community, from CEOs and C-suite executives to human resource professionals and line managers, can take meaningful actions to create more supportive environments for everyone. And, for employees who need professional care, you can provide resources and benefits to make it easier for them to access treatment.

One Mind at Work is your partner in addressing these questions and so many more.

Membership to One Mind at Work includes tangible benefits, tailored to your unique needs and workforce population, including: 

  • Access to a global network of scientific and subject matter experts
  • Consultation in building effective strategies and plans for rapid improvement
  • Dedicated engagement support, including onboarding and quarterly outreach
  • Members-only content, including playbooks, checklists and research reports
  • Annual Global Forum that brings new science, networking opportunities, and sharing of best practices (in person)
  • Quarterly Best Practices Webinars
  • Masterclasses and workshops that to build your knowledge and advance implementation of effective and focused solutions

(via the Mental Health at Work Index)

  • Confidential maturity assessment of your current programs and monitor ongoing progress
  • Benchmark data to compare your programs to other organizations
  • Personalized reports that pinpoint priority areas to accelerate your efforts and support communications with key stakeholders
  • Connect with a growing coalition of leaders committed to creating thriving, high-performing, and healthier workplaces
  • Communities of practice, industry and geographically focused

Become a Member

Leaders need to make strategic investments in initiatives that will help their businesses thrive. We partner with our members to understand their operations and organizational culture, identify opportunities for improvement, and communicate the need for long-term commitment to these initiatives to key stakeholders. We work to create a workplace that protects from psychosocial hazards and stressors, offers quality mental health benefits and services, and centers equity in everything.