Workplace Mental Health Blogs

Embedding Preventative Mental Health Care In The Workplace

Photo of employee wearing a covid-19 mask

As more people in the U.S. get vaccinated, life this summer is being described as getting back to “normal.” This, of course, comes with the lowering of preventative measures that were designed to reduce the spread of Covid-19 – which many consider a great relief. At the same time, the mental health of working Americans is far from what should be considered “normal.” Employees are anxious about returning to work in the office, they are unable to focus, and young employees especially are facing high levels of stress and burnout. While we may be starting to let down our guard in preventing the virus, now is the time to raise it when it comes to preventing the “spread” of serious mental health conditions like substance abuse, sleep disorders, PTS, social anxiety or clinical depression.

It is critical that employers use the current moment to embed preventative measures that will help identify and address mental health problems before they arise. Just as Covid-19 sickened the bodies of millions and created an overwhelming number of new patients in need of physical treatment, the uncertainty and trauma of the pandemic has damaged the mental health of millions – many of which are experiencing emotional and behavioral symptoms for the first time. For instance, Aon discovered through a recent survey that 42% of employees reported experiencing a decline in their mental health since the beginning of the pandemic. Based on such a trend, one might think that it is too late for preventative measures, if employees are already declining – but that could not be farther from the truth. Preventative measures often focus on building coping skills and resilience which help employees thrive in the face of future challenges – a long term investment regardless of how employees are currently faring.

Preventative care can change the conversation around mental health

For a variety of reasons, mental healthcare tends to focus on “the equivalent of ‘stage 4’ of a mental illness,” as a recent report from McKinsey report & Co. explains. Not only is the system set up this way, but individuals have a difficult time self-identifying, especially if they are not experiencing extremely disruptive, obvious symptoms. By embedding preventative mental health care in workplace mental health models, employers have a significant opportunity to change the conversation. Consider the preventative fitness and nutrition initiatives many employers have launched in the past decade to combat chronic physical conditions; from exercise challenges to messaging about hydration and diet, companies like Merck have embraced the conversation about preventative healthcare. When preventative care is embedded in this way, all (at least, most) employees feel compelled to engage – not just those that are diagnosed or self-identify as “unhealthy.”

Emphasize that the goal is for employees to thrive – not just survive

Right now, employees are craving connection. Leaders would be smart to leverage this moment as a golden opportunity to start an open dialogue in the workplace not just about the negative consequences of mental health challenges but also about what employees need to thrive mentally and emotionally. A transparent and authentic exchange can inform strategic investment in the right preventative tools and platforms – of which there are hundreds. The “right choice” will vary depending on the industry, size and demographic of the workforce. Some platforms concentrate on one specific area, such as mindfulness or addiction prevention, in the case of Shatterproof. Others, like Ginger, offer on-demand behavioral health coaching, helping to circumvent common obstacles to scheduling and attending a therapy appointment. There are also platforms like BetterUp that focus on developing mental skills to help employees grow professionally and be at their best. Choosing a platform that all employees will be compelled to engage with – whether or not they consider themselves in need of mental health support – will help the entire team, and the organization, reach maximum potential.

Preventative care is universal

The pandemic has impacted different industries and geographies differently – so some employees might be struggling more or less than others. That’s why ultimately, talking to employees about what they need to thrive – and investing in delivering that support – is a universal message to all employees that management understands the daily, weekly and monthly challenges that can impact work performance. Investing in preventative care signals that leadership understands the humanity of their workers, and that they do not expect them to be machines of productivity – especially not in the midst of recovering from an unprecedented global health crisis.