Coping with Anxiety & Healing from Loss

Marco ‘Jhny Wzdm’ Herrera shares powerful insights about coping with anxiety, being a caregiver to his younger brother who struggled with depression and substance abuse, as well as the heartbreaking journey of grief and finding purpose after loss.

In this You. Me. Honestly. interview, Mental Health Advocates X. ARI and Marco ‘Jhny Wzdm’ Herrera come together to discuss their deeply personal mental health journeys, coping mechanisms, and the importance of breaking the stigma surrounding mental illness. Both share their experiences with anxiety and how early awareness and education could have made a significant difference. They touch on cultural barriers, the struggle to support loved ones dealing with mental health struggles and addiction, and the unique challenges faced as mental health advocates in the music industry.

Watch this heartfelt discussion on how self-awareness, empathy, and resilience can lead to a more understanding world. Share this video to help spread the message of hope, healing, and awareness, and watch more videos like this in the full You. Me. Honestly. playlist.