Rising Star Awards


Below are some of the most frequently asked questions we have received over the years. If your answer is not listed below, feel free to contact us.


Where can I get more information about the One Mind Rising Star Awards program?

Please visit the Rising Star Award page on this website, linked here. For more details about the application requirements, please log in to the application portal here.

When can I apply for the One Mind Rising Star Awards?

You can apply here. All applications are due on or before June 7, 2024.

How many Rising Star Awards are given out each year?

Historically, One Mind has awarded 2-3 Rising Star Awards each year. In 2024, we will be offering up to three (3) Rising Star Awards.

Would a pilot clinical trial be acceptable for any of the awards?

Yes, pilot clinical trials are within scope of this award. Feel free to email info@onemind.org if you have further questions.


Do my references need to be included within my 2-page application?

No. You may use one additional page beyond the two-page application limit to list your references.

Are there any limitations to margins for the proposal?

The font must be 11 pt. with 0.5″ margins.

Should the Budget Summary be for the first year only or could it include year 2 and 3?

The first year’s budget must be included in the application. We would appreciate years 2 and 3 to be included, but it is not mandatory.

Can the Nomination Letter be signed electronically by the department chair?

Yes. The Nomination Letter is now signed electronically by the Department Chair or another authorized Nominating Official through the online Application portal. Through the portal, the applicant sends a request to the Nominating Official to approve the application. The application submission can only be completed in the portal once the Nominating Official has e-signed.

Is the brief description about how data will be made available to the broader research community a part of the two page proposal as well?

No. Plans for data sharing should be included on a separate page, with a brief description about how data will be made available to the broader research community.

Are applicants allowed to submit an RFA more than once?

Applicants can apply for the award only one time per year for a maximum of three times in their career.

Can I get feedback on my previous application?

To be fair to all the applicants of the many awards, the Review Board does not provide feedback to any applicants.


When will the first year of funding occur?

The first $100,000 payment will be distributed in December prior to the first year of funded research (ie: Dec 2024 payment distribution for research done from Jan 1-Dec 31, 2025).

How much money is awarded via each Rising Star Award?

For 2024, each Rising Star Award provides a $300,000 grant, distributed over a three-year period ($100,000 given each year).

Are indirect costs a part of the annual distribution of funds or are they external?

Indirect costs are limited to 10% of the annual grant funding. Any and all indirect costs are to be included within each of the three $100,000 payments (i.e.: $10,000 indirect costs + $90,000 = $100,000).

Does the prepared budget have to be $100,000 per year or can it vary?

The yearly budgets can go over, but only $100,000 will be disbursed each year (for the 3-year total of $300,000).

Are there any restrictions on using the grant money to buy equipment for the proposed research?

There are no restrictions on using the grant money to purchase equipment. For example, it is possible to use the money to: pay for MRI scans, pay subject reimbursement, use it for salary of staff, research assistants, and/or the PI.

Will any of the corporations or third party entities who are sponsoring the Rising Star Awards be a party to the agreement and receive data and/or results?

No. The Rising Star Awards agreement is between One Mind and the winner/winner’s institution. The awardees are required to provide annual progress reports outlining results, which are reviewed by the One Mind SAB and staff and then summarized and posted on our onemind.org website. This summarized information will be accessible to the public which the sponsors may see. The sponsor names will, however, always be referenced in the name of the respective award.

If awards do not cover the full cost of proposed research, would it be acceptable for the awardee to supplement the award with additional funding?

Yes, but the applicant must clarify whether the funding is in hand, or if not currently funded, how the project will manage to be successful without the additional resources. Please email us at info@onemind.org if you have any questions on this.


Is this a global award that allows international applicants?

Yes. We value the global research community and are committed to making the Rising Star Awards a truly international opportunity.

Is it required that the applicant be affiliated with an institution?

Yes, each applicant must be nominated by the Chair or Head of their academic institution, so the applicant must be affiliated with said academic institution.

What if my position is differently titled than in an academic setting or outside USA?

You are still encouraged you to submit an application.  Please briefly explain in your application cover letter or biosketch, or better yet, have your chair or whoever writes the letter of recommendation, make such a statement about the equivalency of the positions.

Is it mandatory that the applicant be within six years of their initial independent appointment?

Yes, this is mandatory. We define independent appointment as assistant professor or equivalent in a non-academic setting. Post-docs are not eligible. The six (6) year limit is measured based on the September 10, 2024 cutoff.

Can multiple people apply as a group for one of the Rising Star Awards?

There must be a lead investigator/applicant for each Rising Star Award. Only one applicant/individual will be recognized per each award.

Is there a possibility of extension of the eligibility period due to family leave?

If you are in the 6-7 year period from initial appointment on Sep 10, 2024, and have been on family leave due to bereavement, caregiving, or parental leave, you may petition for an extension to the eligibility term.