The Brain Health Crisis

Everyone has someone in their life who has been affected by a mental or neurological condition. The time to act is now.

Together, we can address the discrimination, misinformation, and lack of accessible solutions that burden those impacted by brain illnesses and injury.

One Mind exists to heal the lives of the billions of people around the world with brain health conditions. Leading a healthy, productive life is possible when patients and caregivers alike can engage in effective treatment and support.

A Global Crisis

Mental and substance use conditions are the leading cause of disability worldwide, accounting for about 23% of all years lost to disability. These numbers offer a sobering glimpse into the magnitude of the mental health crisis and its medical and financial impact.


Share of people worldwide that suffer from at least one mental health condition in their lifetime

$3 Trillion

The current global economic burden of mental illness, projected to triple to $6 Trillion by 2030


Share of people worldwide with a mental health condition that fail to receive the care they need

300 Million

People affected by depression, the leading cause of disability worldwide


Share of the 1 Million people worldwide that die by suicide each year who have a mental health condition


Increased likelihood of developing cardiovascular and metabolic diseases for individuals with serious mental illness
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Ripples Through Society

The brain health crisis is multidimensional in its impact and affects virtually every aspect of our social fabric. These numbers serve as a powerful reminder that raising public awareness and ending the social stigma and discrimination faced by people with mental health conditions remains a top priority.


Share of Americans who seek mental health services that worry about others judging them


Share of youth in the U.S. juvenile justice system that have a diagnosed mental health condition


Unemployment rate for U.S. adults with mental health conditions, which is 60% higher than the national average


Share of the U.S. homeless population in 2018 that had a serious mental illness


High school graduation rate for students with mental health conditions (compare to 76% for their peers)


Share of U.S. adults with mental health challenges that also experienced a substance use condition in 2018
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Ignite Hope

One Mind is a leading mental health non-profit that catalyzes comprehensive action across the scale of the brain health crisis.

We support programs that accelerate brain health research, generate innovations to enhance recovery, and transform culture by ending discrimination and fostering neurodiversity.
Everyone knows someone with a mental illness


One Mind collaborates with key partners across public and private sectors to speed up brain health discoveries and translate them into scalable diagnostics and cures.

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Patients First

Inspired by its founders’ lived experience, One Mind seeks guidance from those with mental health conditions to ensure that their voices shape important conversations and decisions.

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Take Action

Change is possible with the support of the strong community dedicated to addressing the brain health crisis. Learn what you can do for mental health.

I'm In

Mental health is brain health

We combat discrimination by raising awareness of mental health challenges, communicating them as conditions of the brain that are rooted in biology instead of as character flaws of the individual.

Shari Staglin

One Mind Co-Founder and Board Chair

We use the term ‘brain health’ because there is no discrimination or stigma about the brain. There is no shame or blame.
